
Mental Health & Wellbeing

We’ve been working with Fitways Wellness for many years and have seen firsthand the positive impact their seminars and wellness programs can bring. We see our partnership as a complementary service that adds value to our customers greatest asset, their people. It’s a natural extension of our products and services that helps to create a positive home working environment.

Online health & wellbeing seminars 

The coronavirus pandemic has made some of our lives challenging and complicated. Working from home also provides its own set of challenges. Amongst the rapid change and surplus of information, we are providing a clear-cut guide on how to create a positive working environment at home, with practical tips on building habits and routines that promote productivity and resilience.

Our sleeping patterns, what we eat, our approach to media consumption and how we spend our leisure time all have an enormous impact on our mood, ability to focus and immunity levels. In this introductory seminar we talk through how your employees can adapt and achieve their goals in a new environment. We also run a seminar series which goes into the details of creating a healthy, happy and balanced working life. Because many of us are facing tough times, we’ve decided to offer 50% off the entire seminar series, and all proceeds will help fund an environmental conservation project Nick Hollis has been working on with the World Land Trust.

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REDBOX has seen the amazing positive impact that Oakleaf is making within society by helping people through the most challenging of times. For us, as with many businesses, it’s so important to ensure we’re giving our employees all the support we can, particularly now, in the face of a global pandemic and Oakleaf have the team in place to give that support.

About Oakleaf -

The charity’s aim is to transform the lives and futures of adults managing their mental ill-health and help them secure the skills, confidence and training needed to return to the workplace. This pathway is delivered via 3 main focuses: Work-Related TrainingWellbeing Activities & Courses, and Counselling Services.

Working from home guidance from Oakleaf:

With new Government guidelines in place, much of the world is on lockdown and coronavirus has more people working from home than ever; and for an indeterminate amount of time. This means changing up our habits and routines as well as figuring out when to work, where to work and how best to balance our work and personal life. The important thing to note is, everyone is different. So, we have come up with some tips on how to make working from home a success:

Stick to a routine:

Sticking to a schedule is key. Try to treat your working day like any other. Set your alarm for your usual time and stick with your morning routine; shower, eat what you normally would, get out of your pyjamas and find a space to set up work for the day. Keep your dedicated workspace clear and clutter-free. If you live in a shared house with friends, discuss boundaries with them so that you can balance work versus play. It is also incredibly important to keep a sense of purpose. Use any extra time you have intentionally; don't drift through the weeks. Creating a schedule around your working hours, consisting of mealtimes, reading time, exercise, chores, and the things you enjoy, will help you to stay balanced in the weeks to come. Above all, don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember to balance productivity with self-care; otherwise, you risk burning yourself out.

Alarmy, Streaks, Todoist, Gratitude Journal, Imood Journal, Headspace, Calm

Stay active:

While working from home might mean that you can stay in bed an hour longer and not have to worry about getting home in time for dinner, it can also mean missing out on physical activity that would usually accompany your commute, or perhaps when running errands and attending meetings. So, try your best to stay active – even if you don’t feel like it. Take daily walks, jogs or cycles to help break up your day and get some much-needed fresh air! Exposing yourself to natural light also does wonders for your mental health. Sunlight triggers the brain to release the hormone serotonin, which can help people to feel calm and more focused. However, if you can’t find the time to get outside, bring the light to you. Find a space in your home that captures the most sunlight, make sure all of your curtains are fully drawn, and put your desk near a window. You could even use mirrors to bounce light around the room!

Couch to 5k, Peloton, Joe Wicks, Psycle London, Corepower Yoga

Stay connected:

While the ‘fear of missing out’ may not be a concern, there is still an urge to stay connected. Loneliness, disconnect, and isolation are common problems in remote work life, especially for extroverts. In fact, many of us get the majority of our social contact from being at work, whether that’s attending meetings face-to-face or chatting with colleagues on our lunchbreaks. So, make sure to maintain human contact throughout the day by setting up FaceTime meetings or hang out sessions with friends and family online, or simply just giving them a call. Also, if you haven’t heard from someone in your team for a while, check-in with them to see if there’s anything they need, or if they fancy a chat. This can make a huge difference to both your own and others’ sense of self by reminding each other that you are not alone; that we are all in this together.

Ginger, Help Hub, Talkspace App, Togetherall, Zoom, Houseparty

Resources and helplines:

0300 123 3393

116 123
0800 144 8848


Unit E3 Brooklands Close


TW16 7EB

T: 020 3328 6000 

E: sales@redbox.co.uk

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